domingo, 19 de enero de 2014

Market Analysis Conclusions + Leaps of Faith

Market Analysis Conclusions:

The online market related to the parking assistance is gaining interrest from users and parking

Users are interrested in using their cell phone to solve this problem as seen with the success of many parking Apps, but none of them offers a live search system as we will offer.

This calculations are based on the automobile park, the smartphone penetration rate and traffic statistics.
Total drivers with smartphone in the province:  2,300,000
Total of public parking daily users: 240.000
Flat growth perspectives.

There are 1,000,000 drivers with smartphone in the city.
Most drivers in the province do travel to Barcelona at certain point but of course not all
drivers are interrested, we estimate 250,000 of them to be interrested in FastParkingBCN.
Total market size: 1,250,000 drivers.

We belive that there is a market niche to develop FastParkingBCN because of the following
Lack of parking space in Barcelona.
The need of the users to find parking fast.
The precedents in the ApparkB App

Leaps of Faith:
After doing analogs & antilogs, here come our leaps of faith:
Our App solves the parking problem in BCN
Users find attractive and download massively our App
The marketing reaches users

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