domingo, 19 de enero de 2014


CONCLUSIONS. Here’s where we finished

Fast Parking Barcelona App will help people finding place while they park. Software creation and implementation are feasible technically. To scale this idea we need the collaboration of a public statement as “Ajuntament de Barcelona” to allow us to implement it easily in their public places slots. Barcelona is working to be a high technology city by creating and offering new software services to citizens; Fast Parking BCN could be a good business plan to end the start of the modernization in the parking slots in Barcelona as an extra service offered inside ApparkB (new parking payment software via smartphone). The idea of mix the payments and the availability of the all public parking slots in the city of Barcelona could generate in a great business symbiosis.

The realization of this venture capital entrepreneurship has been really useful to understand and valorize all the different risks that have appeared and those that you have to avoid during business implementation. Canvas Business Models have resulted a powerful tool to visualize and obtain and easy general vision of the project.

 For the moment, the first market that we get in will be in the city of Barcelona for proximity and knowledge of the market needs. Moreover, this first market has to be with the public statement because our business idea uses the public parking slots to offer its service. Our second market to reach is an arrangement with a private investing company called SAC, SA dedicated to rent the places of blue and green area of certain villages for an annual payment with the commitment of their maintenance.
After this subject, we are going to have a meeting with a committee of the City Hall to present them our project. Their feedback will decide in which line of business we are going to move after the venture project.


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