domingo, 19 de enero de 2014


CONCLUSIONS. Here’s where we finished

Fast Parking Barcelona App will help people finding place while they park. Software creation and implementation are feasible technically. To scale this idea we need the collaboration of a public statement as “Ajuntament de Barcelona” to allow us to implement it easily in their public places slots. Barcelona is working to be a high technology city by creating and offering new software services to citizens; Fast Parking BCN could be a good business plan to end the start of the modernization in the parking slots in Barcelona as an extra service offered inside ApparkB (new parking payment software via smartphone). The idea of mix the payments and the availability of the all public parking slots in the city of Barcelona could generate in a great business symbiosis.

The realization of this venture capital entrepreneurship has been really useful to understand and valorize all the different risks that have appeared and those that you have to avoid during business implementation. Canvas Business Models have resulted a powerful tool to visualize and obtain and easy general vision of the project.

 For the moment, the first market that we get in will be in the city of Barcelona for proximity and knowledge of the market needs. Moreover, this first market has to be with the public statement because our business idea uses the public parking slots to offer its service. Our second market to reach is an arrangement with a private investing company called SAC, SA dedicated to rent the places of blue and green area of certain villages for an annual payment with the commitment of their maintenance.
After this subject, we are going to have a meeting with a committee of the City Hall to present them our project. Their feedback will decide in which line of business we are going to move after the venture project.



Market Analysis Conclusions + Leaps of Faith

Market Analysis Conclusions:

The online market related to the parking assistance is gaining interrest from users and parking

Users are interrested in using their cell phone to solve this problem as seen with the success of many parking Apps, but none of them offers a live search system as we will offer.

This calculations are based on the automobile park, the smartphone penetration rate and traffic statistics.
Total drivers with smartphone in the province:  2,300,000
Total of public parking daily users: 240.000
Flat growth perspectives.

There are 1,000,000 drivers with smartphone in the city.
Most drivers in the province do travel to Barcelona at certain point but of course not all
drivers are interrested, we estimate 250,000 of them to be interrested in FastParkingBCN.
Total market size: 1,250,000 drivers.

We belive that there is a market niche to develop FastParkingBCN because of the following
Lack of parking space in Barcelona.
The need of the users to find parking fast.
The precedents in the ApparkB App

Leaps of Faith:
After doing analogs & antilogs, here come our leaps of faith:
Our App solves the parking problem in BCN
Users find attractive and download massively our App
The marketing reaches users

Business Model Canvas

Hello to everyone!

This one was the first model canvas we did:

And this onw was the one we've done with the interviews we have been doing during this time to possible customers and to private business and government:

·         Market (what is the market need? What are the customer segments you are targeting? What is your value proposition for each segment? How is this better than what competitors currently offer?

From the interview what we have we understood that the needs of the consumers have changed in respect of the needs that we thought, first we see a really continuously growth in the market , in the aspects of creation , innovation and development.

Our propositions wants to be implemented around all the metropolitan system of Barcelona arriving to all the users that have smartphone, we want to offer them a service to accomplish their needs via a model of software that can give at real time information where you can park your car in the nearest corner that  your destination is .

As we have talked with the Ajuntament of Barcelona , they told as that this is a very hard project because the actual crisis don’t allow them to realize this type of investments but we want to focus on the private investors where they can have magnify revenues and we can deal some shares as a incentive to them. As a result of the interview we have talked with different ages and roles and the common things are that everyone that use an smartphone can use this service, restaurants bars cinemas the sport segment , everyone told that will join the service if we run it so we would define our sector as everyone with vehicle and oriented to reduce time and money

·          People (Who is on your team? Who are your advisors and investors? Who are your main partners? Show that you have all of the skills necessary to be successful. For any key expertise which you don’thave on your core team, you’ve found partners, advisors, or contractors who have this expertise)

Luis Cirus Tome
Good in relations and to start new business with everyone
In charge of the relations with private business and government
Daniel Villalongue
Good in languages. Share his encourage to do thinks
Technical analysis of riect competence, analog and antilog
Alex Diago
Aptituteds in computers and in finances.
Financial term as balance, cash flows and taxes.
Ignasi Blanch
Interested in merchandasing and finance. Open person to create new relations.
In charge of promotion and public relations.
Interviews from potential customers
David Tous
Roker person and good under pressure. Listener and observer before acting
Task coordinator and manager. Blog and video designer and developer.

We divide the roles of the team in fact of the experience of all the members , we can accomplish all the steps that we design and we will hire 2 persons more , one will be on the technological part , repairing and fixing the problems of the software and the other responsible of the database and giving support and fixing the problems in case of necessity .

One of the principal partner will be the Ajuntament of Barcelona , not in the category of investing money but in the part of promotions and giving the licenses that we need to install all the microchip’s in the public places , in conclusion all the legal requirements to accomplish the company

·          Financial (What are your main sources of revenue? What are your primary costs? How will you acquire customers? When do you expect to reach breakeven/profitability?)

As the answers and conversations with people with experience in start lap  we will focus our revenues on charging a price to all the consumers that download the applications.
Second we will charge a fee to the bars , restaurants cinemas and all the entertainment publics companies that want to use the service
Third, we will offer our service to the Ajuntament of Barcelona as a form to develop and promote the city in change of a quantity of money.
Fourth, will divide the member in standard and premium users
Fifth, our main idea sells the company in 2 or 3 years to a private investor-
On the category of primer cost or principal, we focused in three thinks that are more relevant, the material of the chips , the software that we will need to connect the  information between the microchips and the database –
In the third year we expect the breakeven point as we have high cost in the first year.

Rogers 5 factors below:

-Relative advantage: Our business model and technology is not implemented actually in Barcelona and the majority of the population is asking for a service where they can join and access to information to reduce their time and expenses

-Compatibility: The product as is oriented to all ages will satisfy to the majority of the people and will be in accordance to all targets that purchase and share the service

-Complexity: In our team members we have a person that has been in touch of technological system during a lot of years and also show the complexity of managing the software so we would need to implement more power in this category of the company

-Trialability: The communication and publicity of our customers will be the best form of promotion that we will have at times of merchandising

-Observability: As in the last research of investor we talked with the Ajuntament of Barcelona , they will gi ve us a really big support on the aspect of commercial , advertising , networking , and media under they hands