sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

Direct and indirect competitors analysis


BLUE PARKING: Blue parking is an application for IOS and Android which is being piloted in the city of Valladolid which is responsible for providing facilities to the user in finding and paying the parking.

WE PARK SMART : We smart park is an application for iOS and Android that helps users find parking places with low cost . We smart park works with over 30 different car parks within the city of Barcelona

APPARK : Appark is an Android application which is being experimental. Once users have left a parking space, put it in the app to allow users to see who is coming and free to park in it.

SABA : Saba is an application for IOS and Android and other operating systems, SABA parking chain that report the free seats that are in his owns parkings.

Also, Google is testing its own application to find parking, Google OpenSpot. Works as Appark app where users leaving a free parking space put it in the app for other users can see and can park . Currently this app is experimental .


Our indirect competition is based on public transport, either taxi, bus or subway.

Many car users, use public transport to go to their jobs, home or interesting places. One reason of this use is because users don't want to be wasting time and money finding parking place where they go anywhere.  

Every day more than 650.000 people use public bus services and over 1.2 million use underground train.

Of these users, mostly use it because they think is faster englobing the transit problems and the time needed to find parking in a busy city as barcelona.

Public transport in Barcelona:

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