viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Car market analysis

We've done a little research about car market in Barcelona in order to know our market segment, there is some information we found.

The statistics say that one third of the population uses vehicles to move habitually, this means we have a target market of 530.000 drivers. About the trends, we did not found actual data but taking in account the macro information about matriculations(Which has gone down spectacularly in Spain during the last years), the actual price of cars (which is very low) and the data from 2007-08, which says that the total number of vehicles in Barcelona has gone down by 1,3%, we can conclude that the market would be around 5% less by now that what we found on the old data. 

This means that the car park will be around 577.600 vehicles and 530.000 drivers that use moto or car. There is a cense of 200.000 motos in Barcelona and as we saw 1/3rd uses the vehicle habitually, this makes a total of 530.000 drivers,  60,000 are habitual moto drivers and the rest, 470.000 are habitual car drivers. This is our market segment.

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