domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Project presenation

Video Story Presentation: 

Fast Parking Barcelona is a new mobile application that will place free parking slots on the Barcelona area.
The project will need two technological side investments. On one hand, a deep investment placing chips controllers that will report to our application if each slot is free or occupied. On the other hand, a high value proposition on our application to offer a great service and a hard synchronize control between the chips and the web service.

Fast Parking Barcelona will be, by the moment, a local project bounded to the city of Barcelona, consequently we need to deal with the City Hall an arrangement to implement the chips on the parking places or a public subsidy to abroad the project. In both cases, with the actual free places recognition system, we need the grant of the governance of Barcelona.

Once the authorities accept the project different business and companies could appear inside the parking map zone with the objective of provide to our customers different kinds of activities and services around them.

The value proposition of Fast Parking Barcelona is provide to the Barcelona’s car drivers the opportunity of save time and money on the parking finding place, after realizing a market research we could confirm that customers are willing to pay to save time finding parking.

The revenue model of the project is based on a download fee system. Every customer will have to pay an amount of money to obtain the service. Moreover, inside the application will appear advertising of the companies related to our system which will have to do an economic contribution.

Fast Parking Barcelona Group

sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013


Some references we might have used during our project development are:

This application has created one month ago and follows some steps that we are thinking like find the cheapest parking around north amerce , with your app you can see were is the cheapest place to park and also the nearest.

In this web site we found a lot of information about how is working the app that you can pay with your device the public parking in Barcelona , green and blue zones , this app consists in reducing the time and make your parking easier , its usability is really easy you just need to put the first time your id and your tax number and from there all the times that you want to park you just sign and when you leave you stop so you do not need to put all the times coins

In this site we have more information about the application but with another contrast were we could verify the information

This is a blog were a friend of us that Works in a recognized company recommend to have some feedback about the parking places in Barcelona and where we had some interesting ideas like which streets in Barcelona were easier to find parking and which were the needs of the consumer

Software about the usability of the application and how to implement it

This is the biggest surprise that we found , where researches from The Universidad Autonoma are developing a system where through a device you can follow if in a area there are empty spaces and this information you send it to a data base were goes directly to your mobile
Here we found the opinions of the citizens of Barcelona were they give their points of view about what will be the application

Here is were we found the structure of the metropolitan service of Barcelona and how was distributed geographically the parking’s in Barcelona

In this episode they explain us some ideas of how implement the sensors and the microchips in the floors of the parking’s or upstairs to detect if there is a car parked ore f there is an empty space so we could choose different strategy’s

Some geographically of how target our market.

Also, there are other references explained in other entries of the blog

Direct and indirect competitors analysis


BLUE PARKING: Blue parking is an application for IOS and Android which is being piloted in the city of Valladolid which is responsible for providing facilities to the user in finding and paying the parking.

WE PARK SMART : We smart park is an application for iOS and Android that helps users find parking places with low cost . We smart park works with over 30 different car parks within the city of Barcelona

APPARK : Appark is an Android application which is being experimental. Once users have left a parking space, put it in the app to allow users to see who is coming and free to park in it.

SABA : Saba is an application for IOS and Android and other operating systems, SABA parking chain that report the free seats that are in his owns parkings.

Also, Google is testing its own application to find parking, Google OpenSpot. Works as Appark app where users leaving a free parking space put it in the app for other users can see and can park . Currently this app is experimental .


Our indirect competition is based on public transport, either taxi, bus or subway.

Many car users, use public transport to go to their jobs, home or interesting places. One reason of this use is because users don't want to be wasting time and money finding parking place where they go anywhere.  

Every day more than 650.000 people use public bus services and over 1.2 million use underground train.

Of these users, mostly use it because they think is faster englobing the transit problems and the time needed to find parking in a busy city as barcelona.

Public transport in Barcelona:

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

Car market analysis

We've done a little research about car market in Barcelona in order to know our market segment, there is some information we found.

The statistics say that one third of the population uses vehicles to move habitually, this means we have a target market of 530.000 drivers. About the trends, we did not found actual data but taking in account the macro information about matriculations(Which has gone down spectacularly in Spain during the last years), the actual price of cars (which is very low) and the data from 2007-08, which says that the total number of vehicles in Barcelona has gone down by 1,3%, we can conclude that the market would be around 5% less by now that what we found on the old data. 

This means that the car park will be around 577.600 vehicles and 530.000 drivers that use moto or car. There is a cense of 200.000 motos in Barcelona and as we saw 1/3rd uses the vehicle habitually, this makes a total of 530.000 drivers,  60,000 are habitual moto drivers and the rest, 470.000 are habitual car drivers. This is our market segment.

Extra Information

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

Analos & Antilogs


As an analog to our app we can find the new app that the city council has done to make easier the payment of the blue and green zone areas, which now, can be done by phone.

We want to improve this app noticing in it where are free zones.

Here is the link of this new application "Ajuntament de Barcelona" has done:


About the antilogs, the example of this app is what we don’t want to do, an app only showing the location of the parking and not the availability of spaces is what we don’t want to do. We also don’t want an app on a national level, we want it on a local level.

An example of an antilog is the Saba app.

Another example is the app from the prívate parking company Vinci, the one where you can find the different parkings around you in the whole country and the availability of spaces.

Here is the link;