martes, 3 de diciembre de 2013

New interview

Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
  • Public transport / walk
  • Taxi
  • Private garages
  • Others:

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?at

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

2 comentarios:

  1. I guess this is for the parking garages, right? You shouldn't mention your idea, you're trying to understand if they have a problem. Ask "is the parking lot usually full?" "when is it not full?" "how to you find people to park?" "do you advertise?" "Is the advertising effective?" "how much do you usually spend?" If the parking lot is usually full, then they won't want to pay for an application.

    What about questions for potential users?

  2. Yes, sorr I wrote questions about the applciation that we had. Now i did questions about the problem and the solutions people usually do to solve it. Are those questions good?
