domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

Fast Parking Barcelona

  • Alex Diago
  • Dani Villalongue
  • Luis Cirus Tomé
  • Ignasi Blanch

Fastparking, a high technology initiative to facilitate parking in cities. This idea consists in implementing a phisical structure and an application software oriented to parking places. The objective is to detect empty places and transmitt this information to the users by a mobile software application so they can park easily.

This project has two parts, the first part is the technology development, and the second part is the technology implementation. We have estimated a budget of 15 million euro.
To develop this project we need to reach an agreement with the local entities, which are willing to be our main stackeholders.

Summary of actors, needs, context of use and solution we have for our idea:

Is our idea feasible and valuable personally and socially?
Is it doable economically and techonologically?

1 comentario:

  1. The information you have is a good start, but you're missing a detailed analysis of analogs and antilogs. There are people trying to do similar things all over the world, and here in Barcelona they're implementing wireless payments. You need to analyze in detail at least 10 analogs and antilogs related to your idea to show that you're experts in this area. Then you need to get out of the building and talk to potential customers, suppliers, and partners using the customer discovery lecture from Monday.
