lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Analyzing our business Model Canvas

  • Market (what is the market need? What are the customer segments you are targeting? What is your value proposition for each segment? How is this better than what competitors currently offer?

    The market need we will try to satisfy is the need to find cheap and fast parking. We are targeting al drivers in the area we want first to be established, being this Barcelona. We will offer to our users the possibility to park easily than actually and marketing will not be our main problem, this will be technology and the financial.

  •  People (Who is on your team? Who are your advisors and investors? Who are your main partners? Show that you have all of the skills necessary to be successful. For any key expertise which you don’thave on your core team, you’ve found partners, advisors, or contractors who have this expertise)

    We are David Tous, Luis Cirus, Alex Diago, Ignasi Blanch and Daniel Villalongue. Our advisors and investors will be the Barcelona major and his team, but they will not only be the unique ones, we will also need technological advisors so we can develop correctly our technology and implement it with success.

    We, at this point, havn’t started developing the technology but as we all come from a technological university, we expect to find the creators easily in between our network.

    Technology (What existing technologies will you use? What technologies will you need to develop? Will you manage the technology in-house, or will you outsource it? What competing technologies exist and what is your advantage over them?)

    We will use two kinds of technology, a web platform and a wireless and network connected field chip. We will need to develop in first instance the field technology we will need to implement in all the parking places available through the city and the web online platform. The hardest part will be the chip, the one we will try to manage in house with a technological team formed in our university.

    We only have one competing technology in the chip tech, which is the laser parking place detector, which is alredy implemented in different parking lots, but it needs to be analyzed before we can implement it in our market, which is outdoor.

  •  Financial (What are your main sources of revenue? What are your primary costs? How will you acquire customers? When do you expect to reach breakeven/profitability?)

    Our main sources of revenue will be charging our customers for using the app and the advertising, which will be local and specialized we can offer to our potential customers. We will find customers due to institutional advertising as we will be a governmental platform. We expect to reach breakeven from the third year or even later, exactly whenever we end installing the technology

    Rogers 5 factors below:

-Relative advantage: We have full relative advantage as there is not any similar technology

-Compatibility: we have a consistent product which intends to help in people’s lifes.

-Complexity: It is a technologically complex project and his feasibility needs to be deeply analyzed.

-trialability: The limits are set by the user. As more users we will have, more uses we will able to add to the application.

-Observability: We will be very observed due to our field advertising and institutional advertising, and we will be impossible to copy.

domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

Fast Parking Barcelona

  • Alex Diago
  • Dani Villalongue
  • Luis Cirus Tomé
  • Ignasi Blanch

Fastparking, a high technology initiative to facilitate parking in cities. This idea consists in implementing a phisical structure and an application software oriented to parking places. The objective is to detect empty places and transmitt this information to the users by a mobile software application so they can park easily.

This project has two parts, the first part is the technology development, and the second part is the technology implementation. We have estimated a budget of 15 million euro.
To develop this project we need to reach an agreement with the local entities, which are willing to be our main stackeholders.