domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

Some interviews answered

1- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

Sometimes, depends on the time and area where i have to go it can be an “odysee” or it can be easy to find car park

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

All of these alternatives could be a good method to try to solve this problema.

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

as I said before the time of parking can be extended greatly depending on the time and the neighborhood where you try to park, but unless it's something urgent, I'm not usually more than 10 minutes trying to park, if I find site well, but if not, i go to another place.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

Yes , it is a good idea

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

I think that we can’t do nothing because people needs parkings always.

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

At the beginning no. First of all i prefer to prove the app and then I will decide if I pay the full version or if I continue with the free service.
If the app is good, I will disposed to pay, but no more than 2-3€
2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

I believe that with a good marketing and good advertising the application could become very known by people. I think it's a good idea and could get to succeed, but in this life you know, to succeed you have to be lucky.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

No, but it could be helpfully for the citizen.

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

Of course, this is an expensive project and to to amortize the project we need the money  of people that wants to advertise on our app.
In this world, advertising is a good way to make money for the companies, and, in the other hand, it’s a good way for the companies to catch customers.


2- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

Yes, because I work on the night and when I have to entry all of the parking places are full.

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:
Motorbike, i think that is a great method to move for the city

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

as I said before, I always have problems to find parking when I have to entry to work. I can be 10-20 minutes circling with the car and it’s very annoying.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

Well, I think that this app can not solve my problem because the principal problem is that tha parking places available in this area are less than the people who wants parking. But, on the other hand, I think that this can be a usefull app.

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

That the city hall creates more parking places.

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

Yes, of course, I think that it can be a usefull app as I said before and If the price is not expensive  (never I pay more than 5 €) I will buy the app

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

I really don’t know.  All depends on the price of the app, the facilities that you put at the time to download (like a free app with limitations or with publicity), depends on the marketing that you could have..

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

I don’t think that this new implementation could avoid traffic jams and pollution and I don’t believe that this was the intention of the owners, but, I think that in times that we are, all the things that make easy the life of people could succed.

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

It’s essential if we make a free app, because the cost of the production is so expensive.


3- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

I don’t have car and I don’t have this problem, but, my family and friends, sometimes have this problem.

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

Allways that i can i go walking to the places, if i can’t i take the public transport.

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

I live outside the city, in a beach town near Barcelona and now, in winter, we don’t have any problem to find parking, but, in summer, is imposible find parking because a lot of people goes to the beach.

Thanks to this, the city hall have implement the blue and green zone in all the principal street because it’s a good way to make money in summer.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

I don’t know. Find parking is difficult depending on the place that you want to go. It’s not the same trying to park in the center of Barcelona that always will be full, than try to park in Castelldefels on winter, that nobody goes there…

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

No,  because I don’t have car and I don’t have the intention to buy me one in short-term.
If the app is free I will download to use it with my family and friends, but, if the app is for pay I never buy it.
2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

I don’t think that this app have reached popularity between people, but you never  know..

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

No of course not, maybe could be usefull for the citizen, but, I don’t believe that this avoid traffic jams and pollution..

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

If putting advertising is the only way that make a free version yes. People prefer have to see advertising but could have the app, that not.


4- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

I find parking when I go to work on weekends night and sometimes is impossible to find a parking on a busy area of the city

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

I use the motorcycle

3-How many times have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

Like I said before I have to be on busy area in a conflictive timing so if I can find a lucky place I could spend like 2 minutes but if there is a bad day it could last still 30 minutes.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

Yes, on winter I have to choice if pass cold with the motorcycle or spend time parking with the car.

5-What kind of solution would you apply to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

I think that we can’t do anything because people need parking always and we can’t change their routine.

Questions about the application to target customers (explain to the interviewed the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

In my case, this application could be really good but before to pay for a tool like this I need to know if it is reliable and will give actualized information at any time. The amount of money could be quite high but I just will do a unique payment, 10€ fee could be a reasonable price for an app that tells where is a free parking near me.

2-How do you think population is going to react with this application?

First of all, I need to know for example that police won’t fine me to use my mobile phone application while I drive finding a place site.
Generally, I think that if you can obtain a considerable number of clients that talk good of your application to their friends all people will adopt your system.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

No, but it would be helpfully for the citizen.

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

If advertising interest me it could be a good idea but if you overuse adds it will disrupt clients and can be counterproductive.


5- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

I life in a crowded zone of Barcelona and I don’t have a parking site and I have problems every day to find a site except weekends.

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:
I go with public transport if there is an easy metro/bus connection to where I go or by walk if it is near home. Otherwise, I use taxi for fast and comfortable transportation.

3-How many times have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

I can’t remember the number of times!

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

Totally! I have to find other ways of transportation because parking is impossible in some places of the city.

5-What kind of solution would you apply to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

I need a parking where I can park a lot of hours near my home. A solution is be more restrictive with drivers that aren’t living near the parking area, but this idea has to be studied in a report.

Questions about the application to target customers (explain to the interviewed the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

I think that if you trade with the Government of Barcelona they should apply a small increase on the payment of the tariff of blue and green zone. In this way, clients will pay you indirectly with every use of the parking.

2-How do you think population is going to react with this application?

How I said before with an implementation on the tax the acceptation isn’t important because it becomes a totally free service to the users of the parking.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

Yes, in a certain way it could be really helpful for the scholarship because parents of kids letting their children on the school cause a lot of traffic problems on Barcelona. Using this service, parents can park near the school and walk for a while talking with their kids meanwhile without the app they won’t “take the risk” of find an empty place.

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?
If you can target well your consumers and offer them interesting ads of near business or sites could be interesting.
In conclusion, I think that it is a good idea implementing high quality advertising


6- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?
Yes  I have a lot of problems , is really difficult parking in Barcelona with a lot of traffic , I spend between 10 and 15 minutes every time that I tried to park

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

Public transports

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

Usually the majority because until I have not find the par k I do not stop

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?
Yes  because is a big issue for me lose all this time , It makes me arrive late at work.

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

Give licensees just to the people that work around the corner
Increase the rates of the parking to reduce the people that are willing to park there
Increase the number of private parking’s

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?
Of course I would pay because it would reduce me time and money. Between 5 and 7 euros
2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?
Really good because is what they need , they are asking for some think like this

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

It can be positive or negative .Positive in the sense that tit will help to the private business to attract people but maybe negative because it will make long cues to park

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

Not to much , because your loose your objective.


7- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?
Never , I always look for parking in places that are not a lot of people and usually big streets where there are a lot, on the other hand when I trie to go to places with a lot of transit I usually take the taxi

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:


3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

As I try to reduce the times going to a busy place , when I go it takes me too much time like 30 minutes to find a place so this is one of the reasons which I don’t like

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

Yes , it is fantastic I like the idea , I think is a good incentive for the people and will make a big participation .

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

-Talk with the government and build new public parking’s
-Increase the tariffs of the parking’s in order to reduce the demand
-Limit the time to park in public places I mean you cannot stay more than 2 hours and if you stay you pay a sanction

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?
I am not sure because it will not give me 100 per cent information that this parking place has been occupied or not and on the other hand is difficult to arrive at the right moment at the right place

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?
It depend on the basis you create your application , if it is easy and fast people will accepted if it starts giving problems no , also I think is a good initiative to began working because the private consumers will be beneficiated

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

No , it will be the same amount of people or more for the traffic

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

In all the business putting publicity is a good tool to increase your revenues but you need to think what publicity you want to show to your potential clients


8- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

Not really, because I don’t have a car! But I have rented a car before, and ended up paying for a private parking. 

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

I just been experiencing parking here once.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?
Not really,

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

Like I have used before, I would pay private parking to avoid that problem.

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

Yes I would, but would only pay 1 euro for the application.

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

I think for those who face this problem everyday will be very positive to the application. But for the rest who don’t have a car, or have their own parking wouldn’t care about the application.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?
Not Really, because it doesn’t solve this problem. It only makes it more convenient for you to find a free parking. 

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?
I wouldn’t like it, if I had to pay for the application as well. If its free its okay that it has advertising.


9- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

Well, it depends, I have a lot of problems to find parking especially when I go to the university. The places are limitated and its imposible find a place, but, I don’t have difficulties in other places.

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

Private garajes are the best choice, but is too expensive, especially if you have to stay all the day.

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

Depends. I can be from 2 to 30 minutes.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

No, because the problem is that the places are limitated and this app can’t solve this.

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

Do more parking places (free, like white zone), but this is not your competence, this is problem to the city hall.

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

Im not sure. I only pay for an app that I know that I will use in a future, like shazam or something like that. Probably yes if the price is not too expensive, but im not sure.

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

This app can be usefull but not at all. I think that all will depend on the price that you will put.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

Totally no.

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

I think that this is the base of the new marketing and the new develop of the companies. The freemium service and I think, that if you are thinking to put the app with a free service it’s imprescindible to put advertising on it.


10- Questions about the problem:

1- Do you have problems while finding parking in Barcelona? How many time per week more or less?

No. I hate cars and all of its involves.

2- What types of solution do you use to solve this problem?
·                     Public transport / walk
·                     Taxi
·                     Private garages
·                     Others:

I love walk, but, if i have to go far i always take the metro or bus, therefor, i think that people should have to walk more and not take the car always.

3-How many time have you ever been finding parking in Barcelona in a busy hour?

as I said before, I always go to the places walking or with public transport and I don’t have this problem.

4-Are you close to use car because this problem while parking?

As I said before, I hate the car and all of its involves, and one of the reasons is to find parking in Barcelona. The city hall has implemented the green and blue zone in all the city and, for the people that earns less than 1000€ like me its imposible to pay this prices.

5-What types of solutions would you apply in order to avoid this problem but maintaining the use of private car?

I don’t know, sorry.

Questions about the application to target customers(explain to interviewd the goal of the application):

1-Will you pay for an application that allows you to know where to park (free space)? How much you would pay?

No, sorry. This is only one spending more in the usage of car.

2-How do you think population are going to react with this application?

I know that finding parking is the great “tabu” and, if this app can solve this problem you will gain a lot of money because people only wants that companies make more easy his life.

3- You believe that the implementation of this new system would be a good way to avoid traffic jams and pollution and would be a good way to help the citizen?

No, for nothing. Could be that you help citizen, but traffic jams and pollution not solved so easier..

4- You like the idea of ​​making money, not just selling the app for smartphones otherwise with the idea of ​​putting advertising on it?

Of course, I think that make this app wont be cheaper..